
Man In the Arena

When I was a young man training for my under belts, I can remember having doubts about whether or not I could make it to Black Belt or not. The Doubts I remember thinking, "What [...]

Staff Serve Day!

Your Instructors are fighting hunger by participating in our annual Staff Serve day at Feed My Starving Children this Sunday, February 23! Our Mission National Karate endeavors to be the best martial arts school in [...]

4 World Karate Champions!

This year we had 4 National Karate of Chicago Instructors become NASKA WORLD CHAMPIONS! You can see their pictures on the sidebar to the left. Their names are Dominic Kraegel, Ashley Dahlquist, Jennifer [...]

Compare Calorie Burning Workouts

  Question: So how much exercise or diet change do I need to lose weight? Answer: You need to be in a calorie deficit of about 1000 calories a day to lose two pounds per [...]

Benefits of Tournament Competition

Developing an individual's complete ability cannot be accomplished without the tournament experience. Competition is the best way to accelerate learning. Tournament competition provides the most effective training for real self-defense, especially when combined with other [...]

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