In a world full of distractions, it’s common to want to learn how to improve focus. Being able to concentrate, even when there’s lots of noise, light, and motion going on around you, is an important life skill to develop and hone. Sometimes just reading concentration tips is not enough; you have to get your whole body involved.
Martial arts has been known as one of the best focus and concentration building activities for eons. With structure, emphasis on the self, and physical engagement, a karate program at National Karate is a great way to hone your mind.
Attention Span
Studies show that the prevalence of video games in our culture has the ability to rewire the neural pathways of our brains. There is some good and some bad with these new neural pathways. The positive is that video gamers gain multitasking skills and cognitive quick reactions. The negative consequence of video game playing is that it decreases the ability to hold “sustained attention” or what is commonly known as “attention span”. Activities that require long periods of concentration that would be needed for activities like reading a book or listening to a lecture can be hindered. However, the martial arts practice of learning moves and sequences can recover the ability to have “sustained attention” as focus and listening are critical to learning this sport.
Structure and Routine
Unique among sports, karate has a set structure, from advancement and belt levels to how the lesson begins and concludes with a bow. This established routine frees the mind and keeps it from wondering “What is going to come next,” or getting distracted by unimportant details.
A set structure allows the individual to focus on what they are doing and what is being asked of them. This concentration on the person and what actions they will take is good practice for other areas of life.
Set Reasonable Expectations
Karate has concrete goals to mark individual improvement. Unlike other sports, which focus on wins and losses, karate emphasizes the self and what the individual can do.
There are predetermined requirements that you or your child have to reach in order to get the next belt. Having clear and set expectations to concentrate on helps focus the mind, and this learned strategy on how to improve focus is applicable to other areas of life, like in the classroom or at work.
Trained Body, Trained Mind
Karate is a martial art that teaches you self defense and how to be mindful of your actions. In order to defend yourself, you have to watch your opponent and be ready to move when they strike. It requires focus.
Even when not aimed at self defense, karate is an art that mainly deals with developing your body and mental focus. If your attention lapses, you can’t progress. Karate teaches you to refocus when your attention has drifted.
Karate is a Martial Art for Everyone
Karate for kids is a fantastic way to help their developing bodies and coordination, as well as their minds. They are learning self regulation and control, and giving them karate lessons can help them build focus and strength as well as respect and self confidence.
In order to learn, they have to listen, which means they have to stay disciplined and pay attention. The skills they develop in the dojo can carry over to the classroom, homework, and house chores.
Martial arts isn’t just for kids. Karate for adults can be just as beneficial for toning your body, learning self-defense, and honing your concentration. If you have kids in a karate class at the same time, it builds a shared interest and hobby.
Want to give it a try but not sure if karate is for you yet? We offer a three week trial, so you can get a feel for what classes are like at our dojo. Contact us today to learn more about karate and how to improve your focus.