We can offer all Seminars as 1 time presentations or multi-session training classes.
Our BULLY PREVENTION SEMINAR will teach students and parents:
- How to recognize who is a bully, what bully behavior looks like and understand why bullies are bullies.
- How to prevent becoming a victim.
- How to use martial arts as a last resort self-defense.
- How to help other bully victims without becoming a victim yourself.
- How to handle Cyber Bullying.
- How to gain confidence by being empowered to protect yourself.
- Read our interesting Blog article about Bully Prevention.

We can come to your school, company
or event. Or you can come to one of our schools and take the seminar here.
Let us know what works for you.
Contact NK today for your event!
The PREDATOR PREVENTION SEMINAR will teach students and parents:
- The “Stranger Danger” myth that not all predators are strangers but often people the family knows.
- The Child Predator lures that are most frequently used to trick children.
- How to prepare your child before going to a sleep over, birthday party or babysitter.
- How to use martial arts to break free and run for help.
- How to attract attention from other adults who can help.
Our WOMEN’S SELF-DEFENSE SEMINAR will empower women and increase their confidence in their ability to effectively defend themselves. They will learn:
- Easy to learn physical techniques to defend against an attacker
- How to use simple strategies to break free and escape from being grabbed
- How to recognize potential dangers and ways to reduce risks
- Verbal skills that can help prevent an assault
- Studies show that women who are trained in self-defense are less likely to be victims
WHAT EVERY YOUNG WOMAN SHOULD KNOW BEFORE SHE GOES TO COLLEGE! will teach all the women’s self defense curriculum, plus…
- One in five women will be a victim of some form of sexual assault while at college.
- How to be prepared for the new risks of being away at college.
- How to be aware of sexual assault traps.
- How to recognize signs of unhealthy relationships and establish boundaries to increase safety.
- Click Here to read an article on What Every Young Woman Should Know Before Going to College.